September Sights


September has been extra-green for extra-long this year. That may explain why I was stopped in my tracks by a lone red leaf on the asphalt tonight. 

Dark red leaf on asphaltCITIZEN’S ARREST

How could one
with open eyes
fail to stop and gaze
at garnet hues
out of the blue
settled onto grays?


Flock of chickensThere are a few homes scattered along this walking route. At one of these last night, a young woman enacted an ordinary chore with uncommon charm.

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Cat and neighbor
walk from house to pen,
met halfway by eager hens.

The scene conveys a wish
that all might live like this.

May all, this day,
be lovingly fed
and rest, this night,
in nest or bed.

With that, I’ll wish you a good night and extraordinarily good dreams. ♥ ~Jo

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Photo Credit:
Hens by Businessplans at (modified detail)

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