How can I leave town without mentioning Machu Picchu? It’s such a major milepost in my life… a destiny and destination I’ve held in my heart for almost 50 years.
I leave in an hour and, for once in my life, I’m not scrambling with last-minute details like packing bags, scouting information, or reviewing plans. It’s all been done. My route goes from Northwest Arkansas to Dallas to Lima to Cusco. I leave about 8:00 tonight and arrive about 8:00 tomorrow. Cusco and Lowell are in the same time zone, so that’s twelve hours enroute.
This adventure is part of a larger one: a combined eye care clinic mission co-sponsored by the Cusco, Peru and Rogers, Arkansas Lions Clubs and produced by Legend Treks. For me, it’s a spiritual adventure, like all of life. This one just seems more intense.
My mountain.
My fountain of dreams.
Of all earth’s places,
my epitome.
My secret wish,
long since divulged,
that still holds
secret claims on me.
My open-air cathedral.
My anyplace and everyplace
where every soul soars free.
My Ganga Ma, my Shangri La,
my sacred Bodi Tree.
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Love to you and blessings on your own life adventures. ♥ ~Jo
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Photo Credit: kconnors at Morguefile