APRIL IS NATIONAL POETRY MONTH. In celebration, this little hidden-away blog of mine is opening its doors to friends old and new via a Poetry Book Giveaway. Missy Frye, a fellow member of Poets Northwest, alerted me to this annual event hosted by Kelli Agodon, a west coast poet, writer, and editor. Enter to win!
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BULLETIN [5/1/15] – And the winners are…
* The Essential RUMI: Ann Hart
* WORDS for Hard Times: Dhyan
Thanks for participating and congratulations on your wins!
This is a chance for you to snag free books of poetry from participating bloggers. The goal of the giveaway,” Kelli says, “is to share our favorite poets with others as well as to visit different blogs and see who others are reading.” As enticements, poetry lovers will be giving away free books by their favorite poets and/or themselves. Even the postage is free… to anywhere in the world.
I’m offering two books myself. Most of my poetry books have just gone to a library book sale fundraiser, but I did keep favorite ones—those by authors I know personally and those I especially admire for their artistry or inspiration.
Rumi is my first giveaway. I’ll miss this book very much (at least till I replace it). This is The Essential Rumi, translations by Coleman Barks with John Moyne. Rumi was a 13th-century Persian poet and Sufi mystic. Reputedly, he is the most popular and best-selling poet in the United States, among other countries. I love his poetry for its lyricism, imagery, spiritual depth, range (from sacred to profane), and story-telling.
My second giveaway is WORDS for Hard Times, a limited-edition volume of my own poetry, prose, and artwork. It explores the challenges and blessings of being human, as well as relationships between people and the natural world. I’m excited in advance for this book to act as a connection to another appreciator of poetry through this giveaway event.
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IF YOU WANT TO WIN one of these books, just comment below about the giveaway, the books I’ve chosen, poetry in general, or how much you enjoy winning things… whatever moves you. Include your email address or other way to reach you if you win. At the beginning of May, I’ll pick two winners through a random drawing. [Note: your comment will not appear right away… I always check for spam before releasing comments to my blog.]
IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE in giving away books or if you have questions about the event, guidelines are posted here.
Some thanks are in order…
Thanks, Kelli, for the giveaway event. Thanks, Missy, for telling me about it. And thanks to poetic souls everywhere and everywhen—including Rumi—for caring about the creative and connective power of words. ♥ ~Jo
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Photo Credits: All by Jo Lightfoot
[Persian banner design was enlarged from a photo of the Rumi book cover]
I love this event, and would be happy to win either of these. 🙂
-Allyson (literaryaustin@gmail.com)
Hi! Please enter me in your giveaway. Robin A. Sams at robinasams [at] gmail.com.
I love exploring new poetry.
If you like, you can enter my giveaway here: https://robinasams.wordpress.com/2015/03/29/big-poetry-giveaway-2015/
Jo! I’m so glad you are participating! I’d love to have both of these books, especially yours.
Beileive it or not, I don’t have a copy of Rumi. And the peek into your book is intriguing. LuvBritLit at G Mail.
I would especially like to win your book of poetry! I hope I do!!! Please enter me in this drawing.
email: dianealvine@comcast.net
Please sign me up. I look forward to reading your work or someone else’s of your choice. wanna win!!
please enter me in the giveaway
Yay, someone else writing poetry from the Pacific Northwest (unless I’m wrong in guessing that, haha). Glad to see you participating in NaPo and the giveaway! Please add me to the drawing.
Rodney Wilder
My Arkansas poetry group is called Poets Northwest… but I have had the good fortune to visit the Seattle area for a week and stay overnight at Lake Quinalt. I loved walking in the forests and on the ocean shore. Surprisingly (to me at least), it didn’t rain the whole time I was there.
Please include me in your drawing.
Laurie Kolp
Hi Jo,
Thanks for participating in the giveaway! Both books look fantastic! I love winning things and I love poetry. My name is Brian Wong and my e-mail is: thebripod@gmail.com
Happy Poetry Month!
I would love to win your book Words for Hard Times. Please enter me in your contest!
I’m pleased you entered, Jane.
Hi Jo,
I would love to win either of these two books! I have read “The Essential Rumi” but don’t own a personal copy, so that would be awesome, and your personal collection sounds so enticing and so timely!
Thank you!
Marianne Mersereau – marianne4art@yahoo.com
Ann Hart at annmaryhart@hotmail.com This is a great way to see poets I may not otherwise meet. I bookmarked your page. Thank you for participating in the giveaway!
Thank you for participating in this giveaway! I just love the idea behind it. And it’s such a great way to discover new poets.
Rumi is so great that by your words of it I am sure your poetry must be so great too.
And I would love the opportunity to read it.
Happy that you chose to participate.
Rumi and Hafiz (Hafez) are both wonderful, especially in a spiritually ecstatic sense.
I always need words for hard times and rumi…..well no need to comment on that book! YES, please enter my name in the giveaway and thank you!
I would love to win either of these! Yours look particularly fun and interesting. =) Thanks for doing the giveaway!
Ooo, what fascinating books you are featuring! May I be included in the giveaway, please? Thank you!
~Serena Saint-Marceaux
Sign me up! I’ll cross my fingers. Ron Lewis, Vermont Poetry Newsletter